
Believer who also happens to be a Structural engineering postgrad who likes to write stuff related to history, concept, construction techniques, design and analysis of buildings and structures.

I also like to watch movies, sitcoms, read and cook occasionally!

Human enough?

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RCC Chimney – Part 3

Construction process and design steps of RCC chimney Design procedure : Dead load of chimney ( Shell weight, lining weight, platform weight, corbel and ring beam, ladder weight) Along wind analysis Gust response factor which accounts for the sudden increase of wind for a period of time. Steady (drag coefficient, air resistance by material) and…

RCC Chimney – Part 2

Components of RCC Chimney Ladder Vertical ladder runs throughout with platforms provided. Platform Quarter platform at every 10 m interval Full platform ( 360 degree ) at every 30 m interval Railing to be provided at all platforms Hangings provided in platforms for painting and maintenance purposes. Cutouts Door openings at bottom level Cutout at…

RCC Chimney – Part 1

Function of chimney: Chimneys are tall slender structures which fulfill an important function. A chimney is a means by which waste gases are discharged at a high enough elevation so that after dilution due to atmospheric turbulence, their concentration and that of their entrained solid particulates is within acceptable limits on reaching the ground. Reinforced…

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